Total fun
24 January 2011
What a surprisingly brilliant film this is! Surprising if you are one of those who haven't heard of Alex de la Iglesia as I hadn't, and go by just the poster and the name. Brilliant because you shouldn't just go by the name and poster, and Alex de la Iglesia has made a super cool film.

The imminent arrival of Antichrist worries a priest to such an extent that he believes the best way to prevent the tragedy is to step into devil's own shoes.

Hilarious and edgy by parts, it is perhaps the only horror film which has made me want to watch it again. Apart from the scarily believable performances, it is highly energetic and doesn't slacken one bit.

It is not for everyone though. The delicate-hearted might find it too violent. I wonder if religious people would take kindly to it either. For everyone else, it packs a great amount of fun.
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