All Hell Broke Loose (2009 Video)
How the west was lost!
22 January 2011
Normally I love westerns, enough so that I am frequently forgiving of any shortcomings that they may have. However, "All Hell Broke Loose" is so unbelievably awful that I couldn't find any enjoyment out of it. The first clue as to its awfulness is that it's made by Barnholtz Entertainment, who are notorious for making and distributing shabby product. The second clue is that David Carradine was in the movie. In the past he made some entertaining movies, but towards the end of his life he was in one stinker after another, including this one. Though he is top-billed, you should know he's actually just in a minor supporting role. He doesn't seem very enthusiastic, and looking at the rest of the movie you'll soon see why. The photography is often washed out and murky, there's a cheap look to every shot (even those taking place in the wilderness), some of the actors are VERY OBVIOUSLY dubbed, the action is almost non-existent (and boring when there is "action"), the story is confusing, and the movie is so gosh-darned DULL. There is NOTHING of merit in this movie, and the movie's badness is not of the so-bad-it's-good type, so there's no reason to watch this movie, even if you are a Carradine fan.
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