Glamorous Gloria Swanson Saves Film -- Almost
18 January 2011
Legendary silent screen superstar Gloria Swanson comes to the rescue of this tepid romantic comedy. Her screen appearances in talkies are rare enough to make every one of them a "must-see" for devotees of show business in general and films in specific.

Here, the iconic actress actually plays second fiddle to lead Adolphe Menjou. She gamely jumps into this very minor programmer lending it a glossy sheen with her unique charm and style. Never really an actress know for her comedic skills, Swanson here demonstrates her skill at it and it apparent that she enjoys the genre.

The plot may be as lightweight as a champagne bubble, but Swanson's melodious voice and her glamorous facade certainly elevate the proceedings to a very enjoyable eighty minutes. And old pro Menjou makes a good fit for her costar because of both his age and his height, and the audience can easily believe in their relationship. Able support also comes from dashing and boyish Desi Arnaz and droll Helen Broderick.

Swanson sports some fantastic and outrageous costumes sure to delight every fan of Hollywood fashion in the 1940's. The fur ensemble that she wears in the play within the movie is off the charts in terms of luxurious glamor and style. Anyone fascinated by the beautiful and impracticable costumes of Hollywood designers will have a field day here.

If not for Swanson, I'd give this movie four out of ten stars, but because of her -- I'll add two more!
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