Review of Pioneer One

Pioneer One (2010–2011)
As long as you enter with the correct expectations . . .
14 January 2011
$6000 budget entirely donated by fans. Small amateur crew. Released for free through various sources, in particular supporting that swear word in the industry . . . BitTorrents.

So far, I'm seeing this as a fan-made response to the X-Files. Two government agents, a male and a female (complete with all that sexual tension we know and love from that famous TV series), investigate a strange phenomenon involving a space capsule. The plot so far is fairly text book, as far as an X-Files ep is concerned, but the seeds have been sown for something significantly more involved as the series progresses . . . Time travel, aliens, conspiracies, war, twisted history or some good old-fashioned espionage . . . any or all of these story lines is possible with what has been hinted at so far.

While the plot and script are keeping me watching for now, they're not perfect. The acting isn't believable, especially from the civilian characters, but again it isn't so bad that I don't want to watch any more. There's a couple of nice cinematographic moments and it's all cleanly filmed and edited. And they do a good job of cliffhangers, I genuinely want to see more.

The most important aspect of this whole production is that this is the future of entertainment distribution. As the title suggests, this production is *the* Pioneer of what's to come. The first of its kind.
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