Review of Play Girl

Play Girl (1941)
Kay Francis in lighter than usual romantic comedy/drama...
14 January 2011
I've never been a huge KAY FRANCIS fan, but at least in PLAY GIRL she gets a better than average script (for a B-film), and an excellent supporting cast that is able to breathe some life into the material. And her character is sensible and mature, not to mention a bit too noble to be believable by the last reel.

She's a fashionable gold digger who decides to train a protégé to lure men into the net when her own looks become too mature. This time the prize is JAMES ELLISON, a handsome young cattle rancher who happens to fall hard for her protégé, played winsomely by MILDRED COLE.

KANE RICHMOND and NIGEL BRUCE lend valuable support in key roles and the whole story is done with flair and style that makes it pleasant entertainment. On the face of it, it's strictly minor stuff with many soap opera overtones.

Only disappointing angle is the resolution of the love affair involving Ellison and Cole with no on screen reunion provided by the script. Instead, he rushes to join the young protégé in Florida while Francis turns her attention to another man. The plot soon becomes a twisted soap opera with Francis nobly giving up the young man in favor of telling him the truth about Cole's whereabouts.

Nothing deep here, just a pleasant diversion that passes quickly and is soon forgotten. Good work by a capable cast makes it easy to watch.
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