Black Swan (2010)
Creepy, Emotinoal, So Sexy, and Intense
8 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Creepy, Emotional, so Sexy, and Incredibly Intense. As I'm writing this I just got out of the movie 10 minutes ago and am just utterly blown away from this film. Aronofsky is on top of his game like never before, I think this may even be better than Requiem. Natalie Portman is just awesome as Nina the star ballerina ...of Swan Lake. From the beginning your right there with her feeling how much she wants the role and how much pressure she feels when she gets it, all through Aronofsky's direction. He utilizes the extreme close up on the cast's face so much you can't help but feel the emotions they are going through but this is especially felt with Portman. She plays the naive, almost childish girl so well as you watch her transform into the Black Swan its an emotional roller coaster that you can't turn away from. The supporting cast is great. Vincent Cassel is great as the creepy head of production, a character that everyone has seen before, yet he plays it so well its almost like watching the character for the first time. Then you have Barbara Hershey who plays a Hitchcockian mother to the T who is obsessed with her daughter (Portman) to get the role and succeeding. Mila Kunis would be considered the weakest role of the three supporters but that's not saying she's bad by any means, its just everyone else is that good. In my eyes she can't do anything bad, I may just be in love with her... and could use a little more of the scene between her and Portman and if you see the movie you'll know what I'm talking about. Then running up the cast is Winona Ryder, who is really only on screen for a total of 15 minutes maybe but I will say she plays the crazy, sore loser very well and provides the film with possibly one of the most terrifying scenes in the movie. The story is so compelling and so freaking creepy at the same time. Aronofsky plays with the story of a girl training and performing the Swan Lake Ballet while at the same time telling a contemporary version of Swan Lake in the setting of NYC with a twist of the supernatural. It's an unbelievably well made film and worth seeing, seeing even multiple times. If your in the mood for something a little off the beaten path, unconventional and a psychological thriller/horror than do yourself a favor and don't wait for DVD/Blu-Ray to see this one. It will blow your damn mind.
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