Star Trek: Spock's Brain (1968)
Season 3, Episode 1
"He was worse than dead"!
6 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
While watching I was reminded of the 1962 flick "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" with a no name cast and a female character who's head was dismembered in a freak auto accident. The head was kept alive by the woman's doctor boyfriend with the idea that he would find a suitably sexy replacement body. Nominally a horror film, this picture wound up being inadvertently comic in it's absurdity, with it's protagonist tagged with the nickname Jan in the Pan by it's cult followers.

Now as long as Spock was going to be commandeered for his scientific super brain, why not go whole hog and just decapitate him altogether? Could it possibly have been any worse than what was developed here? I really couldn't believe it when Captain Kirk, faced with the dire consequences of the situation, managed to proclaim to Bones that they had to go " search of his brain, Doctor".

I should have suspected something strange was going to happen as soon as the opening credits rolled and the series changed the color of it's graphics to that clashing blue hue. I kept thinking about that up until about the time alien Kara (Marj Dusay) first appeared in those purple go-go boots. I might be cynical here, but is that what thirtieth century best dressed aliens might be wearing?

So let's not kid ourselves and think there might be a rational explanation for this episode. Roddenberry and crew went for the gusto with this one, producing a Frankenstein version of Spock and keeping us on the edge of our seats to figure out how this would all work out. Even there I had to chuckle. Spock's noggin was suitably barred from view for McCoy's operation, and then when it was over, Spock emerged with a full head of hair! This one wins the camp award for the entire series, fully living up to it's tag line of providing pain and delight, all at the same time.
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