5 January 2011
Can't remember the last time I saw a money that could only fit in the Comedy genre that did not once make me laugh. This movie is testicles in your face and semen in your mouth.

The "jokes" in this movie are so stupid and unfunny that it would take someone as dumb as the lead character to crack a smile. Speaking of which, he is probably one of the worst comedic stars to appear in any film. His whole shtick is apparently that he has a Midwestern accent. And that he is stupid. If you think a movie about a character like that would make you crack up, then maybe they ought to stick you in the insane asylum.

The apparent "funny" scenes with this character are when he gets in situations he isn't ready to deal with. This would include S&M parties, in a tent with a naked woman, and on drugs. There are not actual jokes that take place in these scenes. Its just the main character acting like an ass with his dumb accent.

This movie has some strange fetish with showing paralyzed people. They play off the joke of the paralyzed only able to utter monotonic sounds like "uuuuuuuuurgh" and the main character is somehow able to decipher this into 30 second statements. The joke is so stupid I feel like I've dropped a couple IQ points just describing it. But, this jokes occurs at least 5 times in the movie without variation.

The only other things I remember are the main character running through the town naked with his junk out. I'm assuming this was a fake thing he was wearing, but I wasn't really looking close enough to tell. The color composition is similar to one of the classic horror movie remakes. Everything is high contrast and usually has some yellowish or blue tint to it. I guess this is the only good and honest thing about the film. This is of course because the film would probably do better as putting itself in the horror genre than the comedy genre. Not only because of some of the disgusting scenes in the movie, but the pain that the viewer has to go through to get through this 78 minute epoch of pain.
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