Dexter: An Inconvenient Lie (2007)
Season 2, Episode 3
Dexter: You should take the night off Sergeant. Doakes: On pizza night, no way.
5 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Masuka: The boss's melons look bigger on TV. Laguerta: Show some respect. Masuka: I thought I was. ;]

Dex is so chipper this episode, he finds the car salesman so amusing. Don McManus's facial expression when the hottie is walking off, thinking of what he is going to do to her, sums it up completely.

Rita is very firm, it's the meeting or the solitary road for Dex. He realizes Rita and the kids are important to him, he attends and opens up at the meeting, only to find Doakes had been there watching. However it works in his favour. Oh and by the way, you owe me a Michelin mothaf*cker.

We are also introduced to Lila, the blood sucking pommy vampire. ;]

Very good episode.
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