Corruption (1933)
It is entertaining even if the plot has serious problems...
29 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This production by William Berke stars Evalyn Knapp and Preston Foster. If you've never heard of William Berke Productions , join the crowd—as this was a small-time 'poverty row' film company that only released a few low-budget films.

The film begins with Foster being elected mayor. He's an idealistic man who announces his plans on ridding the town of corruption—not realizing how many from his party and his friends are actually evil weasels. Fortunately, he's not completely naïve and manages to put up a pretty good first. However, a corrupt party, a corrupt press and a corrupt prosecutor make mincemeat of the poor guy almost as soon as he assumes office. And, once cleared of this set up trumped up charges, up come some more. Can goodness triumph over evil? This is an enjoyable B-movie, though I must admit it has many shortcomings. The most important is that so-called ice bullets are apparently impossible as demonstrated on a recent episode of "Myth Busters". Additionally, the writing was a bit sloppy. For example, removing Foster from office was amazingly easy—too easy. Plus it was painfully obvious that the secretary (Knapp) was wonderful—so why did it take so long for Foster to recognize this?! Still, an exciting plot make this a tolerably good B-movie.
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