Fun Film!
22 December 2010
I have to laugh when I read comments complaining about how the film plays fast and loose with the plot of the book. (Helloooo... Wizard of Oz, anyone? Compare THAT classic film to the book, and you'll be appalled at the liberties that the screenwriters took!) What may work on paper doesn't always play well on the screen.

I admit that I haven't read the books. But I've seem all three films, and Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a great, wonderfully fun adventure fantasy film. The characters are consistent with the first two films, and the plot is - for a fantasy film - coherent and believable. I liked it much more than the second film, Prince Caspian, which I felt was the weakest in the series.

Be prepared for some very intense action that may scare the wee ones. The 3D effects are unobtrusive, giving a feeling of depth to the film, but with not a lot of "in your face" effects.

To sum up, a fun family film. You should see it.
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