Omphale's Trophy Room
19 December 2010
The sequel to the original Hercules film has Steve Reeves just trying to get back home to Sylva Koscina and settle down and raise little muscle dudes. But he gets a mission from old King Oedipus living at the edge of the underworld. His two sons are not living up to what was a really crazy power sharing scheme whereby they would alternate the monarchy of Thebes for year intervals. The first one's year is up and he doesn't want to give up his royal prerogatives. The other one has hired a mercenary army and is threatening civil war.

While Hercules is trying to mediate the conflict he gets to drinking from the waters of forgetfulness and wakes up in the palace of Queen Omphale played by a fetching Sylvia Lopez. This woman with the help of some embalmers trained in Egypt is collecting a beautiful lifelike statuary and after some servicing by Hercules, she wants to add him to her trophy room.

This second Hercules film that starred Steve Reeves is a cut above most of the peplums out there. It even has an appearance by former heavyweight champion Primo Carnera who towers over Reeves playing the giant Anteas.

Nice stuff for the Saturday matinée trade.
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