Boardwalk Empire: A Return to Normalcy (2010)
Season 1, Episode 12
Amazing finale
7 December 2010
We have finally came to the finale of Boardwalk Empire, and what a journey it has been. The season finale did not disappoint.

Knowing how the elections are nearby, we are bracing ourselves for the worst. The finale managed to be unpredictable and very tense. You never know when it is safe for a character to appear or not to, just because of the times they are in. There was a great moment between Buscemi and McDonald in the middle of the episode, one that cleared the resentment they sort of have towards each other after the last episode, and also learning more about Nucky Thompson. There are also a lot more revelations that will take effect in the next season, but for now, it was an amazing buildup and an amazing last shot.
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