Splatterhouse (2010 Video Game)
well done remake
27 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As I played through this I really noticed the attention to detail that was taken in its creation. While at times it feels very much like a ride on rails with a one track story, it is revealed that your girlfriend is not the main motive of the story. Granted if you have ever played a Splatterhouse game before you know that the terror mask is not exactly a kind being. The reality being that in all the games it has an ulterior motive outside of helping you save your beloved. The game the first time around through Savage difficulty was frustrating. The monsters were balanced, but at times the horde aspect of the fights became overwhelming to the point where fighting sometimes seemed pointless. On a replay through on brutal keeping all of my abilities the game is noticeably easier despite the difficulty increase. The idea of keeping the learned abilities is a nice add to this game genre. It makes a replay more fun than normal. The survival mode is by far the most fun and challenging.

Also this game is not family friendly in any way they are not kidding about the rating. This is as close to an AO game as they will ever come without the rating. Where as the original Splatterhouse has cartooned violence and was rather harmless this game could be disturbing at times. It has a "drawn" look but that does not change the fact that monsters are having their lungs torn out, and their spines torn out through their asses.

On a side note if you are an achievement/trophy hunter and are planning on getting all the photos be prepared to play through on savage and brutal difficulties because photo shards are not available on some levels until you play through them on brutal.
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