2010: Moby Dick (2010 Video)
Giant white whale vs. sleek black sub. ---Oh yeah, and a crazy captain.
23 November 2010
The movie begins much earlier in Ahab's navy career to show his first encounter with the giant whale. This occurred while on some kind of intelligence gathering mission in Russian waters on a submarine where he was then a lowly sonar operator or something. The movie then jumps from there to the present where a much older captain Ahab has ditched the old ship of yore for a sleek black state of the art sub called the Pequod with all the bells and whistles which he designed himself. Apparently the navy knew nothing about his hidden agenda when they allowed him to do this and give him command of it.

Later they become concerned when Ahab stops checking in and is spotted where he's not supposed to be based on the orders he was given. Coupled with this are reported incidents of ships being sunk and people killed. The navy conclude that Ahab has somehow flipped and gone rogue and is responsible for these incidents. Orders are issued to find him and stop him. In the mean time, Ahab is underwater in the Pequod with a serious hard-on for Moby Dick (har, har, me mateys) and oblivious --for the time being-- that the navy is after him. Joining him and his crew aboard the sub, are a female scientist specializing in whales and her assistant whom, while out testing the effects of some recorded whale cries, Ahab "commandeered" for the purpose of helping him track Moby.

The movie is a middle budget-to-low budget movie (seems to me) because the whale and the effects in general could have been better though it was passable. The continuity didn't seem too good near the end, either. Seems like they were short-cutting. Observe also the classic use of one well-known old time actor and a whole bunch you never heard of. But money by itself doesn't necessarily make a good movie and we've all seen examples of this truth. The script and the ability to creatively make the most of what you got is what counts. So what about the script? --Not great; slightly below average; as well, needed more imagination or innovation in it. --Or at least more laughs, intentional or unintentional. For instance, Ahab did make me chuckle once or twice near the end where he came off as not only insane but "ridiculously" insane. Was this because of good acting or bad acting? --You tell me. Finally, nothing exceptional here; wouldn't rush to see it. It would make a bigger splash (har, har) on TV watching in your underwear with your favorite snacks on one side and your favorite person on the other. Love, Boloxxxi.
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