More like wrongstrophobia...
27 November 2010
I love a good B movie. I used to watch the Sci-Fi Channel (in its pre-SyFy days) all the time, just because I find their movies entertaining and I enjoy laughing at hilariously badly done special effects and poking at plot holes. This, however? No.

I had the misfortune of running across this movie on On Demand, and, thinking perhaps it would be entertaining, renting it for a night. It's absolutely unwatchable.

The actors are wooden to the point that they are just boring to watch--not funny wooden, just boring. They seem to have been pulled directly out of the convenience stores they were finishing a night shift in, shoved onto the sets, and told to do their best Ben Stein impression. Almost all the lines are delivered in a mind-numbing deadpan, as the characters stand around stiffly, looking as bored as I feel.

The only person who comes close to being somewhat entertaining quickly wears out her welcome by nearly puncturing my eardrums with her grating hysterics and overblown theatrics.

The entire plot is ill-conceived and incredibly cliché. My suspension of disbelief will only go so far, and it won't stretch far enough to sympathize with these cardboard cutout characters or their laughable plight. I won't get into spoilers, but I tended to cheer when the people I was supposed to care about exited the movie, since it meant I wouldn't have to watch them anymore. The ending is as predictable and stale as the rest of the movie is, and it does not justify sitting through this prolonged torture.

I suppose the special effects are neither here nor there. The movie, if I recall correctly, was not done on a large budget, so they worked with what they had. I've seen 80s slasher flicks that have worse or better effects, and it is definitely in that vein, so it wins no points on technical know-how.

My biggest beef with the whole thing started with just seeing the title. THE TITLE. It's wrong. In a case of "did not do the research", you will find that the term for an abnormal fear of clowns is "coulrophobia", not, "clownstrophobia", as the movie asserts. I don't recall this ever being addressed throughout the movie, and though it's a somewhat technical point, it really ruined any immersion the movie might have had by showing its writers' lack of knowledge (or ability to spend thirty seconds doing a Google search to find the proper term).

If I could give it a negative number rating, I would, because this movie is a crime against entertaining cinema. Save your money for something more amusing, like a bottle of formic acid to throw into your eyes so that you never have to watch tripe like this again.
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