This was a wonderful series with a great cast.
13 November 2010
The basic story is that the beautiful actress Leonor Benedetto plays a sheltered heiress, who because of her infirmity, is still unmarried. She is the only child of wealthy parents,but her father is not always a man of honor in his business dealings as he shows when he steals the invention of one of his workers,actor Frederico Luppi, and cheats him out of the great wealth that could have been his.

Frederico's character is married to a young, frivolous woman who aspires to have all the luxuries that wealth can buy, and she treats her husband with contempt since he has failed to give her the life she wants.

Frederico plots revenge on his former employer and begins to woo his daughter a la Cyrano de Bergerac, and the lonely Leonor responds to his romantic overtures. Unfortunately, Frederico's plan goes awry when he falls deeply in love with Leonor and she with him.

The ending of the series is rather sad, as Leonor thinks he is dead after he has a terrible accident, and she marries another man who helps her raise Frederico's son. Frederico, badly scarred and homeless,now becomes a beggar who now can only catch glimpses of the woman he loves and his child by occasionally peering over the wall of her home. Then he disappears from sight as he begs for money and responding " Dios se lo pague"(May God repay you) to any one who gives him money.
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