Review of Frog-g-g!

Frog-g-g! (2004)
Frog-g-g! The Feminist Creature Feature
14 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Frog-g-g!" – love the silly title – is an extremely low budgeted and amateurish attempt at making a creature feature with a mutated animal species, like they made a bunch of them back in the gloriously decayed 1970's. All the clichés are there at the beginning. Some big shot multinational dumps its chemical waste in a picturesque lake and naturally the whole eco-system goes bonkers. The fish are developing five extra pairs of eyes, miniature creatures spontaneously develop itself and ordinary frogs turn into sexist monsters. There's a lesbian doctor investigating the strange occurrences, but meanwhile the frog- monster joyfully carries forward its rape and killing spree. Now, I personally don't care about the protagonists' sexual preference, but apparently the writers did as they epitomize the lesbian romance wherever they can. It's actually amazing how they insist on shoving the lesbian affection down our throats, like it's some sort of feminist statement. Since the lead girl is a lesbian, there naturally are also a lot of clichés and stereotypes to be found in "Frog-g-g!", like male sleaze balls that are sure to convert her and women that interpret literally everything offensively. Even more symbolic is the sequence where the frog monster knocks out the male half of a love-making couple and takes over the act. Ah, so the frog is merely just looking for a partner to mate with? Another male dominant freak who likes to oppress his power (= read penis) to poor female victims. Seriously, what's with the propaganda? It's just a horny toad in an amateurish nonsense film! Luckily enough the make-up effects and costumes are delightfully Z-grade and the acting performances are incredibly wooden, so that fans of bad horror flicks can still somewhat enjoy it without feeling the urge to castrate themselves.
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