The Gay Bride (1934)
Ignore the dumb plot problems and just enjoy.
12 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a seriously flawed movie and I won't try to say it's not. However, it IS, despite its many problems, an enjoyable film--provided you can look past some seriously silly characters.

Carole Lombard plays one of the most unlikable characters I have ever seen her play. Her goal in life is to get rich and she is more than willing to marry a mobster (Nat Pendleton) in order to achieve this goal. A flaw in the way her character was written is that it's TOO obvious she could care less about the guy and just wants his money. Some more subtlety about this would have improved the film. Plus, they made her fiancé too dumb--someone that thick-headed would probably never become the boss of any mob (well, perhaps for a very stupid one). She spends tons of his money and socks a lot of it in safety deposit box.

During all this time, she is often in the company of Pendleton's body guard (Chester Morris). Now Morris is an odd and inconsistent character. On one hand, he's an important man to Pendleton YET (and I found this hard to believe) he's honest and has nothing to do with the mob's business. He simply is a paid body guard and is able to compartmentalize this part of his life. So, despite working for scum, he feels comfortable looking down on them--and especially looking down on the stone-hearted Lombard. Despite this, you KNOW that according to screen cliché #32 that by the end of the film Lombard and Morris will be head-over-heels in love--this is not in question.

When Lombard actually married Pendleton (and this surprised me that the marriage actually took place), it was soon clear that Pendleton was MUCH stupider than you thought! He spends practically everything he has (or, rather, he lets Lombard spend it all) and shows so much weakness that you are sure someone will knock him off sooner or later. The only question is who! Eventually, Daniel Dingle (who?!) kills Pendleton and now Dingle is 100% dead-set on marrying the new widow himself. However, you can also see that Leo Carrillo might just bump off Dingle, as he, too, wants Lombard. Once again, the film is weak here. No one is THAT desirable and it's just too obvious that she is a money-grubber--yet all three men MUST have her. However, even after more killings occur, Lombard, out of the blue, decides she doesn't want this life and announces she's fallen for Morris! This is a surprise based on their interactions throughout the film (where Morris always treats her with contempt) but the cliché demands this. How can Morris and Lombard manage to avoid getting killed or going to jail so that they can eventually marry? Tune in and see for yourself.

The film has some oddly unsatisfying characters and an occasionally dumb scene (like a poorly rear-projected chase scene) but despite all these problems the film STILL is fun. I think most of this is because Lombard and Morris were just such good actors that they could make this all work. Plus, their banter was great--I loved hearing them snipe at each other. Plus, although occasionally ludicrous, the film was entertaining and fast-paced. Not great...but fun.
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