Good, but missing something
10 November 2010
So as seen on the poster, this movie has a great cast: Robert De Niro, Sam Rockwell, Kate Beckinsale, and Drew Barrymore. However, the supporting characters are on screen for only a short while, and your mostly going to see little old Bobby. Of course this isn't necessarily a bad thing, since De Niro is great as usual. It's a story of an old widower who is trying to reconnect with his kids. It's sort of like About Schmidt (2002), but doesn't have the same effect as the other movie. It gets sad towards the end, and the final scene is sort of sappy, but it just isn't as powerful as the other movie I mentioned.

The plot is decent enough, a person story and the acting is great (though there could be more Rockwell. There could always be more Rockwell). It's just missing a little something. It's not bad, but I recommend seeing About Schmidt instead if you want to see a film about a sad, lonely old man.
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