A rehash of "The last seduction" in in B grade style.
5 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I accidentally overcame this movie on a late night show on HBO Channel some time ago. I gave it a watch as nothing else rang my bell. Just twenty minutes in to the movie and I could predict what I was going to be subjected to. No doubt this is good time pass material if one really puts his/her mind to it. The made for TV movie glossy image was everywhere. The pace of the movie was adequate. But what can one really expect from a TV thriller ?. Well, the leading actress gives the viewers full view of her naked body while undressing and taking a shower. Plus there is a collection of some real hot looking women.

Spoilers ahead A bored frustrated wife leaves her husband and LA behind to search for happiness and freedom. She also decides to take with her 500K of her hubbies cash. She sets her sights on a doctor who lives alone. The pair fall in love, but it is not long until her husband dispatches his men to search for her and the money she took. She becomes well aware of this and tempts the doctor in to protecting her and to kill her husband if he attempts to approach her. Later she averts men who nearly come close to her and gets the husband out of the way too. End of spoilers

The plot is very routine and at some intervals clichéd indeed. But with the short running time it is not bad. If you admire late night entertainment, check it out.
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