Dinos, Dinos, Dinos
30 October 2010
Understand, this is a dated show... Gary Owens (Laugh-in) and Frank Nelson (I love Lucy and Jack Benny perennial annoying clerk)... This is definitely geared to Jr High age. Still, it has a charm. And the other reviewer is right, More Dinosaurs was the sequel. I was trying to remember if there might have been a third too... strange as it seems. The effects are cheesy, the dialog is cheesy, but it is a lot of dinosaur fun for those who can let go and have fun with the concept. Good facts mixed in with the high camp.

The sequel, More Dinosaurs, has a cameo with Bill Saluga. Yes. At least I think that was his name. You probably won't recall him, but you can't help but remember his main character: Raymond J. Johnson, Jr. who gives us his shtick "You can call me Ray, You can call me Jay... and so forth..., but you doesn't haz to call me Johnson." So, he does his thing as a side joke to a new (85 to 88) generation of kids who never heard him do his "thing." Then it right back to the dinosaurs. And yes, Eric ??? and Gary Owens turn (I think just Gary) into a Dinosaur. Seems like the second one (More Dinos) was geared to be watched around Halloween, in these one hour (or were they just 30 minute) TV specials.
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