Curiosity Welcomes the Guest and Guesses the Welcome
28 October 2010
First, in the City, the Doorman must go away overnight, and so, for the very first time during their three years, seven months and fifteen days together, The Doorman and Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund must find themselves separated, but Curious George and the Man with the Yellow Hat invite Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund to stay overnight at their apartment, in Curious George's room, and so the Doorman wheels in Hundley's trunk, complete with toys and pet food.

Now, Curious George shows Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund to his room, opens his trunk, tosses Hundley's toys about, and, in the process, trips the Man with the Yellow Hat, who carries a laundry basket, but who tells Curious George that he's impressed that Hundley returns his toys unto their proper place, unlike a certain monkey whom he knows.

Well, it's time to feed Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund, so Curious George measures the recipe of dry dog food with the exact amount of water, while Hundley exhibits proper manners, by wearing his bib, and taking his time to chew every bite.

Then, next on their activity list comes television watching, but Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund attempts to move furniture, to tidy the room, so Curious George tries to figure the meaning of this, while the Man with the Yellow Hat continues to carry laundry to wash, but Curious George and Hundley debate upon whether to watch a monster show or a poodle program.

And then, Curious George trips the Man with the Yellow Hat with Hundley's toys, upon his return with clean laundry, so the Man with the Yellow Hat announces that it's time for bed, but when the Man with the Yellow Hat closes the balcony door, Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund realizes that Squeaky Mouse is still out upon the outdoor balcony, yet when Curious George tries to retrieve it, he knocks it off the ledge and must scale the building to retrieve Squeaky Mouse.

But will Hundley have his safety toy to share his cozy little mattress? If so, what do you think might happen if Curious George needs Squeaky Mouse more so than Hundley?

So, when the Doorman returns the next morning, how will Hundley the Doorman's Dachshund, Curious George and the Man with the Yellow Hat reflect upon the "Night of the Weiner Dog!?"


Next, in the Country, Curious George tries to photograph wild animals and their tracks, such as Jumpy Squirrel, opossums who roll over to freeze into place, frogs who jump too much, and raccoons who are easy to track but busy with their work, because the Man with the Yellow Hat prepares for Nature Week Exhibit and walks barefoot to Lake Wannasink Lake to conduct survey, while Curious George photographs fauna.

Now, Bill the Country Neighbor Boy arrives to explain the nature trail, and to discuss a fawn, which has been spotted in the Country recently. So, Curious George searches for the fawn, as he photographs a garter snake, ducks, frogs and fish, but he doesn't see the fawn, but does find big duck tracks and imagines that they belong to a giant duck, or a giant snake with duck feet or some sort of giant duck-billed dinosaur.

And so, Curious George follows the giant webbed tracks, but the strange tracks suddenly stop at a pond, but then emerge wet, and they lead Curious George to the Lake, so Curious George figures that the creature must have swum away, and so, Curious George returns to the house to study dinosaur pictures and to take plenty of produce to the Lake to lure this duck-billed dinosaur into his yard.

Well, at Lake Wannasink Lake, Bill rides by inside Mr. Quint's rowboat, along with Mr. Quint and the Man with the Yellow Hat, so, Curious George returns to his yard to set lure for this hungry duck-billed dinosaur, leading Jumpy Squirrel to go after the carrot.

Then, Curious George tries to warn the Man with the Yellow Hat, who returns wearing sandals, after leaving barefoot, about this strange large duck-billed dinosaur because it might turn out to be non-Vegetarian and, therefore, after them, and then he warns Bill, who happens by again, as Curious George shows Bill a dinosaur illustration from one of his books.

So, before it's time for Nature Week Exhibit to open, will Curious George be able to photograph the fawn, to identify the source of those duck-billed dinosaur prints, and to collect his all of his "Animal Trackers?"
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