I didn't know ghosts could be recycled.
27 October 2010
Paranormal Activity 2 is a prequel/sequel to its original predecessor Paranormal Activity. The film explores deeper into Katie's family history and the evil forces that are relentlessly chasing them.

This is a very simple film that will receive a very simple review. While this film delivers its share of scares, there is nothing new in the scare department for this film. The addition of a teen daughter, a baby, and a German Shepard make the scares look new however, they were recycled from the original. The best addition to this series that this particular film added was the high-angle security camera installed in the family's home. The high angles supplemented with the hand-held camera create a higher sense of tension which leads to scarier scare scenes from the anticipatory side of things. Quite frankly, this is an enjoyable film, however if you are not a fan of the original film then you will not like this installment. If the original scared the living bejesus out of you then you will not be disappointed with this prequel/sequel.
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