Enlighten Up! (2008)
Good movie that really should not be upsetting to anyone
21 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If the practice of yoga or any activities relating to yoga, including watching yoga movies, causes stress, anxiety, consternation or anger - you're doing it wrong. I personally thought it was an intriguing movie. To each his/her own though. Not sure I understand the very strong emotional feelings that have resulted in personal attacks against the director. A movie is just one person's perspective, nothing more, nothing less.

I would not have seen this movie if it were another infomercial-type production about how great yoga is. I've seen, and enjoyed a lot of that, experience the benefits of a daily practice myself. I get it. I was fascinated to see another's perspective - an outsider looking in. I think the director's motivation to "convert" was flawed, but that is the beauty of this film. both director and cast had some self exploration that needed to be done. and It caused a break down in her as she realized the futility of that goal.

As to accusations that she defamed the biggest names in yoga. I really did not see that. She portrayed them as the humans they are- not gods, nor demigods - humans just like us struggling with self realization, just a little further along the way. I saw a beautiful, tragic, and sometimes insecure side to these instructors - facets we all have. The intro w/none of the instructors giving the same age for yoga was not about making them look dumb. It was a statement about its diverse origins - especially many of the western practices - not that no one knew the truth with a capital T. There is no right answer. Depends on what you are referring to when you say "yoga". On top of that, so much of Indian tradition is passed along by word of mouth family to family it is very difficult to really answer that question even for the "purest" yoga forms. That is the whole point of the movie - there is no one yoga with one history.

While Nick may not have been has enlightened as some of us like to think we are, it took guts to do what he did. He dove into this head first and was really willing to open himself up to possibilities. As a self proclaimed skeptic I was worried the movie might die on the vine if he were to quickly dismiss the practice, he did not.

Very thought provoking movie that I thoroughly enjoyed.
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