100 Years of Horror: Girl Ghouls (1996)
Season 1, Episode 16
Ghoul Girls
13 October 2010
100 Years of Horror: Ghoul Girls (1996)

*** (out of 4)

This entry in the series takes a look at women in the horror genre who were able to play monsters. The film rightly points out that many of the early examples often featured twists in the stories so that the women didn't have to appear as evil. This documentary takes a look at a number of films including CARRIE, SHE WOLF OF London, THE FACELESS MONSTER, THE VELVET VAMPIRE, MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH, CRY OF THE WEREWOLF, DAUGHTER OF DR. JEKYLL and CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN.

This is yet another good entry in the series. As usual, die-hards really aren't going to learn anything they didn't already know but that's okay because it's made up with some very good interviews. Those unfamiliar with the genre will certainly find this most entertaining as they're treated to some great clips and many good recommendations. The interviews this time out include Roger Corman, Hazel Court, Robert Cornthwaite, Pamela Franklin, Brinke Stevens, Gloria Talbot and Nina Foch. Seeing these interviews are certainly worth sitting through the 23-minutes. WIth such a short running time you really can't get a full, detailed idea of the various women in horror but this is good enough for what it's trying to do.
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