Review of Duets

Glee: Duets (2010)
Season 2, Episode 4
This is the Glee I love!
13 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care who has written, directed and musically supervised this episode, he should be responsible for the show from now on till forever. This episode was everything that made me love Glee all those months ago.

It had awesome acting from everyone because they finally had something to do. Issues I had from S1 were resolved, maybe a bit rapidly but at least they were acknowledged and talked out. And while there is still a lot of questions, this episode was a move in the right direction. I hope to see more of the Kurt/Rachel/Finn relationship. And every scene that has CC and MoM in it is a win. No matter what.

I loved Finn & Rachel in this episode because they were everything that I always knew they could be if they were allowed to. They were a team, they were those 2 pieces of a puzzle that make a weird but beautiful picture. And my shipper heart, as well as the part of me that actually likes the characters by themselves, was jumping for joy. And their happiness over their manipulations being successful ... precious. No matter what people say and how much the writers may screw them, they do bring out the best in the other.

I loved to see more of Mike and Tina. Not only because we got to see Harry get more then one line. But they were actually shown as interesting. I wouldn't mind to see this relationship explored more. And if it involves some more dancing, I'm all right with that too.

I could get on the Artie/Brittany ship. Or at least their friendship. And I'm a little disappointed we didn't hear them sing in the end. Could have been interesting.

Sam & Quinn. I still sort of wish he was gay because I like the idea of Kurt and him. I guess the trouble, or benefit, with Chord is that he actually has chemistry with all of them - Cory, Chris, Dianna. But I'm not sure for how long I will be able to take this relationship because they seriously look like Barbie & Ken. And it is a bit off putting. So a lot depends on the writing in this one. Plus seeing Puck and his reaction to the new "IT" couple should be interesting.

Now to the highlight of the episode, the musical numbers. I was blown away. Serioulsy. I actually clapped after every single performance.

I love love love Santana & Mercedes doing "River Deep, Mountain High". It was a perfect choice and the execution left me with my mouth hanging open and wishing for more.

I don't know what song Mike & Tina did but it was so entertaining. And Harry has a rather lovely voice. I would like to hear more of it. With Jenna, with the boys, on his own.

I didn't like the beginning of "Lucky" but by chorus it was OK. I find the song highly inappropriate for them since they knew each other for about 2 minutes prior but from performance point of view, it was lovely.

Kurt, with style and heart and perfect. If CC ever gets a part on Broadway, I'm buying a ticket - for the show and the plane, the moment it gets announced.

I like how Chris and Lea sound together so I enjoyed their last performance even if I yet again didn't know the song.

And last but not least, Finn & Rachel. I have no idea what the second song was but it was cute and the reactions of the club were priceless. I will have to check out the context. Or lyrics. But "Don't go breaking my heart" was everything that makes me love all their duets so much. Because to me, together they sound better then anyone, better then either of them by themselves. And Finn was drumming. And they were flirting. And they were dancing around the piano. They were the clear winners of the night for me. On all fronts.

I can't remember enjoying an episode of Glee so much since probably the Pilot. Or maybe Journey. But here the annoying character that made me temporarily quit the show, wasn't present, so Duets win the round.
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