The Vampire Diaries: Kill or Be Killed (2010)
Season 2, Episode 5
Get some bunny in ya?...
11 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
At least Elena kept to her word of not keeping things from Jeremy and came right out and told him about Mason being a werewolf. No, she doesn't want Jeremy involved, but she's learned her lesson from the last time she kept secrets from him.

Seems Stefan's back to his sneaking-up-on-Elena tricks again. Every time he says sorry and that he didn't mean to scare her, all I can think is, "Well, you know from previous experience that sneaking up on her gives Elena a fright, so why not just slowly approach her when she can *see* you?". Having said that, I did enjoy their discussion of keeping up their break up ruse and the 'code' that they worked out between them for what they would say to one another during their pretend fight and what they actually REALLY meant.

I liked the scene with Mason meeting Stefan, Stefan offering an apology on Damon's behalf, and how quickly Stefan switched from being "the nice one" into Threatening Stefan. I love how quickly Stefan can go from being perfectly nice to a genuine threat. I also liked the camera move revealing Damon standing behind Stefan and Damon's "But I don't *want* peace!" line (combined with Stefan's "Well, considerate it Opposite Day." line). The two of them were certainly very grabby with one another in this scene.

Hey, Maiara Walsh/Gaby's niece from Desperate Housewives. So this is where you've disappeared to. You're interested in Jeremy? Not good for your health. Just ask the previous girls he's been with.

Elena did a good job of acting convincingly to Caroline about her and Stefan fighting. Elena and Stefan are quite good actors. Not as good as Nina Dobrev or Paul Wesley, mind you (nor Katherine when she's pretending to be Elena), but still...they did an admirable job of acting out their fight for Caroline and Damon's benefit.

Being an artist myself, I like when they bring up Jeremy's artistic skill/interest in drawing (and Tyler's), so I enjoyed seeing the werewolf drawings and the "Ooh, scary...demon wolf thing." line from Maiara Walsh's character (Sarah). Though it wasn't too bright of Jeremy to antagonise Tyler with the wolf drawings, I must say seeing Tyler revert to his usual violent self just made me roll my eyes. He was doing so well too and NOT acting like a jerk up until this point. Forget almost accidentally killing Sarah later on atop the staircase, he came close to strangling Jeremy to death (and thereby getting the werewolf curse) even before that. Dude needs to learn Yoga or Tai Chi or something. And, Jeremy? Try to cut back on doing stupid things.

I got a laugh out of Ian's delivery of Damon's line "That's what I think! Huh." (after Mason said "Nice is overrated.").

I'm glad that Liz FINALLY learned the truth about the Salvatores. I'd long been sick of her ignorance (in regards to Damon being a vampire). I'd hated her thinking him this great hero ever since he set up and staked Lexi.

I did feel slightly sorry for Damon after he was poisoned with the Vervain-laced lemonade which Liz got the girl to give him (see, this is why you should never trust kids, Damon). And, despite their differences, it was good to see Stefan acting all brotherly with him as he recovered. It was interesting the way Stefan went from trying to calm Damon down to conceding that, due to Mason's threats, they needed to put him down.

Caroline rocked this episode, starting with her knowing to get somewhere all the better for her to listen with her vampire hearing.

It was good to see Tyler talking more calmly with Jeremy again, though his '"And then, boom, next full moon I'm howling on all fours." line conjured up slightly wrong images.

Loved seeing Tracker Caroline, then her kicking Jerky Mason's ass after he threatened Elena. That rocked! What didn't rock? Liz shooting Stefan, who was still unconscious. Interesting that Damon really did believe he and Liz were friends. Elena was awesome with whacking that cop, then Caroline got to be awesome as well when she took out both the cops. Thank goodness they didn't drag out Caroline's reveal to her mother that she was a vampire. You gotta love how fast this show's story lines move along.

I liked the moment Elena stood up for Stefan when both Damon and Caroline were pressuring him to drink some Deputy blood.

It's interesting that Sarah survived that fall down the steps without any damage done to her, not even a bump. I wonder if there's more to her than meets the eye? No, I'm not implying she's a Transformer, but something definitely seemed odd about her near-instant recovery.

I liked Damon standing up for Caroline when Liz declared that her daughter was "gone".

Stefan seriously wanting to drink the human blood? While I could understand why he wanted to do it, I also understood Elena's reaction to it (given what happened last time he did this). While I appreciate her going along with his plan in the end, I think it's safe to say him getting her blood in his system again can't end well. I liked the music in the scene.

I'm glad both Caroline and Elena both 'fessed up to each other near the end.

I enjoyed Elena and Damon's scene, where she talked about the Damon who was her friend and he told her Stefan didn't go through with drinking the human blood.

Mason's working with Katherine? And she obviously compelled that guy who Mason killed in the flashback? Nice twist! Though seeing Mason and Katherine locking lips? Not so nice. Ack. Stick to Stefan and/or Damon, Katherine.

This was another really solid episode.
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