Review of Crank

Crank (2006)
one of the most ridiculous movies ever made... but it works
7 October 2010
Crank (2006)

Crank is a strange movie to review. Its really a strange movie all together. It seems like the writer and director said "lets make a movie with truly non-stop action," and in the end that's what they had.

I can't really say I think it's a good movie, because I don't. However I do enjoy it. Crank is the only movie I've seen that really is non-stop action. Right from the beginning the action starts and its tense right to the last second. With the camera angles and movement of the camera even the parts where people are just talking seems tense and almost action like.

I don't think the film is all that well done in the long run though. It definitely works but it isn't really good. The story is probably the most ridiculous story ever and the cinematography often times looks pretty armature. The acting is decent from Jason Statham considering what he was doing, but the rest of the cast were pretty lame and didn't seem to try that hard.

So its hard to give a rating to this film. Do I go with how much I like it or how much it deserves? If you are in the mood for a real hardcore action movie Crank is your best choice, it makes action films like XXX look tame. On the other hand, if you are looking for an action movie that I feel is more of an actual good movie this isn't the way to go. Bad storyline, acting, writing, dialog, directing, and so on… but somehow… it's a lot of fun. Even though I bashed the film a bit, it's still a very original and fun film, and can be enjoyed when you are just looking for a straight up, true action film.

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