Review of RV

RV (2006)
A Waste of Time
4 October 2010
Oh my goodness, terrible. My friend and I tried to pick a movie to watch that we wouldn't have to get into, wouldn't have to think much about, and we picked the right one. This one has pretty much requires no intelligence to understand. Everything is made obvious to you, even the things that are meant to be "implied." There are stares that go on for way too long, as if you couldn't get the meaning in the first second of it. I was kind of insulted watching this film, thinking, "Man, they must really expect the viewers to have no cognitive abilities." I understand that movies aimed toward the child demographic need to be a little more forward than films for old folks, but come on. There are plenty of kids movies that don't make average-minded people feel like geniuses, take Wall-E. Most of that movie doesn't even have substantial dialogue and kids love it! This movie is just a huge failure.

It's a comedy, but I laughed one time. Once. And the only reason I laughed was because of how funny it looked and how impossible it was. Almost everything that happens in this film is completely unlikely. I had a hard time getting into it because every time I almost did, something happened that could never really happen. Yeah, I get that one of the best things about the art of film is the freedom to make impossible things happen, but it's supposed to be a film relating to the "average" family, it's supposed to be a caricature of real life. I guess, in a way, it succeeded in that respect, because caricatures are exaggerated versions of the truth, but it exaggerates too much. I didn't like anyone in the family. I guess the son was all right, but the rest were terrible. They were just a bunch of jerks. The daughter who is supposed to be the typical grumpy teen, is just a hateful witch. I couldn't stand her. Anybody with a kid that awful would send them away or something. She was terrible. But the weird thing was, in one cheesy second, she'd be an angel. And then another second would pass and she'd be spitting acid on her poor father again. She was some kind of crazy, bipolar dragon.

One good thing was the establishment of the Gornicke family. It's not that they're lovable, but they're developed. The combination of their back story and their unorthodox antics makes an interesting, entertaining piece of the film. At a couple points, I actually felt bad for them. I think that was a success, to make me sympathize with people that annoyed me. That was good.

Other than that, no. Don't watch it. I don't recommend it, not even for kids. Go watch Wall-E.
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