Just part of the story
29 September 2010
This film certainly eliminates one of the alleged "culprits", the hurricane, and hits the nail squarely on the head in showing that this was a MAN MADE disaster that could have been easily prevented.But that is only part of the story.the flooding of the city west of the Industrial Canal was PARTLY the fault of the Corps but even more the result of deliberate, premeditated criminality on the part of Mayor "Slimy Sidney" Barthelemy and the New Orleans City Hall Gang.Barthelemy was warned by the veteran engineers of the Sewage & Water Board, which controls the drainage canals,when they say the plans for the proposed floodwalls, that they would never hold.they were "rewarded" by being PURGED by Barthelemy.The city had one of the most powerful congressional delegations in the country, including Robert Livingston, which got Barthelemy BILLIONS in pork.They were easily powerful enough to force the Corps to build REAL floodwalls instead of PHONEY ones, but that is NOT what the politicians wanted.They wanted to be able to GORGE themselves on GRAFT from the Billions in "disaster relief" that they knew would pour into the city when it was flooded by the next big hurricane that hit, and one was long overdue.Like a businessman who torches his own property to collect the insurance, TO THEM the city was worth more DEAD than ALIVE.And ever since the disaster they have been feasting like vultures on that graft;virtually all of the "federal aid" went to the PERPETRATORS of this tragedy, not to their VICTIMS.But everyone is grateful to Mr. Shearer for keeping this in the public eye, and as long as it is there is at least a slight chance that justice will finally be done.
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