The Traveler (I) (2010)
An embarrassment to all involved
28 September 2010
It is very rare for me to see a movie and dislike it enough to speak negatively about it, however after watching this abomination of a film I feel compelled to warn the public.

There is a multitude of things wrong with this movie, the biggest being that the viewer becomes painfully aware of what is going to happen a very long way ahead of it actually happening. This is wholly due to what has to be the worst script I've ever seen with a brutally abysmal structure. But wait, there's more.

The violence and gore is boring. The characters are stupid and their actions are nonsensical. The 'twist' at the end is completely ridiculous. In fact, the last 10 minutes or so are without a doubt the weakest moments in the entire movie. This made it doubly disappointing for me, as the one and single reason I stuck it out until the end was the flicker of hope that surely this cannot be all there's to it - but take my word for it, it was.

For your reference, I am fan of horror. Except zombies. I'm getting pretty tired of zombies.
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