The X-Files: How the Ghosts Stole Christmas (1998)
Season 6, Episode 6
If you love Mulder and Scully, don't watch this episode
27 September 2010
Let's be clear: this episode is NOT bad, actually it is even one of the best, but I really don't like it. I think that people who occasionally watch X-files and love Mulder and Scully characters shouldn't watch this episode, as what disturbs me most in it is that it completely ridicules them. Story is clever, acting is excellent, directing, picture and visual effects are impressive, but I hate the image of the series it shows. It is too wordy, demonstrative, exaggerated, off-board, out-of-character, light-hearted, without an investigation, without suspense, without darkness, without thrills: not X-files. I can't believe in ghosts shown and given for real, these ghosts are very unpleasant to me, I don't like the way they torment Mulder and Scully and the harm they say and do to them, and I don't like the way Mulder and Scully behave and react. So, it's clear, this episode that is not an X-files episode and in which Mulder and Scully are not Mulder and Scully could not suit me.
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