Review of Now What?

House M.D.: Now What? (2010)
Season 7, Episode 1
Love it or hate it, the Huddy plot device takes the show in a new direction
21 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The 'Huddy' plot device is bound to split audiences - do we really want to see House and Cuddy exploring a romantic relationship, will it be the end of the sexual tension and the end of House? Personally I think that despite the plethora of superb episodes, House is in danger of stagnating if it can't take the characters to a different level and the drug addled or constantly tortured Gregory House plots have certainly run their course. Laurie is a superb actor who has proved capable of displaying incredible vulnerability even when appearing callous so it's not a stretch to see a softer side that has been hinted at but not seen in any great depth before. Undoubtedly the writers will be able to exact plenty of comic moments from the situations faced by the new couple, so for those of you saying 'No', give it a chance, there was enough in season 7 opener Now What? to suggest this will be anything but a perfect relationship, and I for one am going along for the ride.
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