Pure Escapism
20 September 2010
I have nothing but abject pity for the fools who try to analyse this film. Lots of the critics have declaimed it and no doubt the underlying reason is the anti Luc Besson sentiment and an anti French sentiment.

From the moment Travolta appears on screen its is a roller coaster ride of excitement and enjoyment. You can almost touch the Luc Besson feel to the film. Lots of good looking women, car chases, action shots, shoot outs and good dialogue - what more do you want? If you want to analyse it to death and boast about your analytical writing skills then don't bother with this film - you will make yourself look an idiot. It is pure escapism and those who like to escape from the mundaneness of life will enjoy it.

Bravo Besson. Bravo Travolta.
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