Weak Espionage thriller with a science fiction MacGuffin, rescued by strong performances
17 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This 2nd string low budget British work is interesting in the way it tries to work in a science fiction plot element while having no special effects whatsoever.

The idea of a man who has "slipped" in time is an interesting one, but it's wasted on an underwhelming mystery/espionage plot (It seems that certain economic interests are attempting to control the world's tungsten supply - my heart is in my throat!) What saves this one are the performances. It's a British production, and the Brits treat it as if it were Shakespeare - the actors take the wonky and turgid lines they are given and go after them with energy and enthusiasm and class.

There are some problems with the casting - I didn't believe the actor who played Delaney was a reporter for a second, and I didn't believe there could be any chemistry between his character and a babe who looks like Faith Domergue either. And the main "heavy" is little more than a Rent-A-Center Sidney Greenstreet (he has the worst delivery of a line in the movie: "Call me a Dago again and I'll...") But it pushes right buttons and a bunch of people run around like maniacs for the last few minutes and the girl gets rescued from the bad guys...so I call it a decent effort.

But it is for rabid 50's Sci Fi fans (and fans of Faith Domergue) and people interested in the history of science fiction who want to see every last damn film ever made.
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