The Gold Rush (1925)
Gold Rush is a great movie.
14 September 2010
The Gold Rush is the first silent film that I have scene. I've seen short clips from other Charlie Chaplin films, but I had never watched a full length movie. I have to say I really enjoyed it. I was very impressed with both the writing and acting in Gold Rush. Going into it I was somewhat expecting see a lot of random slapstick comedy and a disorganized story. However, the movie actually had a very coherent and entertaining plot. Charlie's acting was phenomenal in my opinion. His facial expressions and demeanor were really effective. Also, just the way he moved and his behavior were hilarious. I also thought all of the gags and physical comedy in the movie were great. While watching it I noticed that a lot of the jokes were predictable to me because I've seen similar things in so many other films. (For example; when Charlie and the minor, who had been looking for Charlie, crossed paths without noticing one another.) This is really interesting because guys like Chaplin were pioneers in film comedy and were the first to use a lot of these comedic techniques.
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