Review of Meat Jekyll

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Meat Jekyll (2010)
Season 10, Episode 23
Not the *best* End of Season Show
10 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers

****** Yes, some "spoiler" stuff ************** .

Now perhaps we've merely been spoiled with other Season Endings - like buried alive, the doll under the car, the shooting in the car, or the trip to the jungle.

But this was not even close - seemed too rushed, like the writers were in a hurry ?

That part can almost forgive, but ...

To have the crazy guy - who needed an escort of 27 cops, motorcycles and helicopters - then leave him in cell with ONE cop to watch him. THEN that cop simply walks off when the Doc asks him ?

AND, the crazy guy is no longer handcuffed, and apparently wasn't searched for his eyeglass temple thingy ?

Naw, not buying it - not well scripted at all.

Not up to CSI's Usual Scientific Standard.


Yes, I miss Grissom as much as many others, but like Fishburne's character.

And don't see that change as a deal-breaker.

However, the writing should still be there, should still be Excellent.

Sorry, but this time, imho - no.

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