Trick Baby (1972)
Different Type of Blaxploitation
9 September 2010
Trick Baby (1972)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Minor blaxploitation movie about black man "Blue" Howard (Mel Stewart) and white man "Folks" O'Brien (Kiel Martin), a couple con men who work well together because of their different race. Blue has been teaching Folks the business from an early age and both are onto a major score but soon they have a dirty cop and the mob on them. Those expecting exploitation might walk away disappointed because this film is more drama than anything else. While watching the film you might be thinking of THE STING but it's important to note that this movie did come first but don't expect the same type of quality. I think the biggest problem with this movie was the screenplay that just doesn't do enough for the actual sting. The first scam the guys pull is a pretty nice one but the main one just didn't draw my attention too much. The screenplay didn't seem to know what direction it wanted to go into and we get a couple side stories that are never really explored and this includes a female that Folks hooks up with and she pretty much becomes obsessed with him in a weird scene inside a hotel room. I'm still trying to figure out how and why she got so obsessed with him but that's just something that was never explained. Blue also has a relationship going on but it adds up to very little. What makes the film worth viewing are the two lead actors. Neither man got to play the lead too often in their careers but both take the opportunity and run with it. Most will remember Stewart as Henry Jefferson in ALL IN THE FAMILY and he turns in a wonderful performance here. I thought he was quite charming and really played that wiser old guy perfectly. Martin also turned in a very good performance and the two really do work magic together as you believe they're really intelligent enough to pull this stuff off and we believe that they know what to work with each other. The film has the unique situation of Folks being half-black but he looks so white that no one believes it. The way the race tensions are shown here are pretty interesting and added a few nice situations. TRICK BABY is one of those films that contains some very good things but at the same time you can't help but wish you had enjoyed it more.
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