Upstairs, Downstairs: A Patriotic Offering (1974)
Season 4, Episode 1
The Bellamys take in a family of Belgian Refugees.
30 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
September, 1914, This was the first episode of the fourth season of 'Upstairs, Downstairs'. The entire thirteen episodes were dedicated to the war years: 1914 - 1918. For this reason, this was not my favourite set, but it has to be said that it is an outstanding part of the whole five seasons, and is well respected and highly praised for this reason by many. I personally don't like war documented TV dramas.

Hazel Bellamy is pressured by Lady Prudence and Lady Birkhamstead in particular (who is aptly referred to in a later episode by Daisy as 'an old trout'!) to take in a family of Belgian Refugees. What they don't know is that they are peasants, and the Bellamys are expecting a family of wealthy foreigners. Chaos ensues when, unable to speak English, the foreign family appear to behave rudely and ungrateful to the staff for their sanctuary. Georgina comes to the rescue, when able to speak French, she is able to make all understand their sad and tragic story.

The Refugees and their plight prompts Edward to 'join up', to the displeasure of Hudson, Daisy and the Bellamys, who all wish to protect him and keep him safe. But as Edward says; 'people can't be allowed to do what they're doing in Belgium and to get away with it can they Mr. Hudson?'
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