Eggshells (1969)
Tree hugging hippy snooze-fest
28 August 2010
I recently saw this at London's Frightfest, and it may well be the dullest film I have ever had the misfortune to view there. From one rambling, pointless conversation to the next, nothing of interest happens, apart from a guy having a sword-fight with himself. There may be some who would say that if you didn't like it, you probably didn't understand it, like it's the "emperors new movie", or something. These hypothetical people can get lost. I can't imagine that fully comprehending the film would make it any less dull. I didn't want to understand the presence in the basement, I just wanted it to do something. The film is really only of interest to Tobe Hooper fans, and people who like artsy sixties movies. By the way, I did ask Tobe Hooper what the meaning behind the title was, and he said it just meant "a very delicate situation".
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