Yakuza Bites Dog
27 August 2010
Kaizokuban Bootleg Film is a black and white, black comedy, about a retiring Yakuza member and a cop who are best friends. They embark on a road trip to attend the funeral of a mutual female friend.

The film reminded me a bit of "Man Bites Dog" - the monochrome photography, the humour and the hit-man theme bore similarities. However, "Man Bites Dog" is far superior both in terms of comedy and as a whole. Tarrantino was also clearly an influence with many references to "Reservoir Dogs" as well as stylistic similarities; once again, "Reservoir Dogs" is also superior. It also has the nihilistic edge you would find in a Kitano film. His films are also superior.

Despite being not as good as the films which inspired it, there are some plus points. The acting is good throughout, if a little over-the-top. Not all the humour works (for me anyway) but the gags which do work made me laugh out loud. the cinematography is bleak and cold which fits the film perfectly. Despite being an independent and low-budget film, it does not show too much, due to the production values being polished.

Summary: Not as good as the film it was influenced by. It may interest fans of dark Japanese comedies and Yakuza films. It's worth watching but do not expect anything extraordinary.
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