Amazingly inept Sweeney Todd tale.
24 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bloodthirsty Butchers is set in London, England during the Victorian era where Sweeney Todd (John Miranda) owns a barbers shop where he regularly murders his clients to steal money & jewellery from them, he disposes of the bodies with a woman named Maggie Lovett (Jane Helay) who own a pie shop & uses the human meat to fill her product. However as Todd & Lovett become more desperate for money they take more chances & soon people start to suspect that something may be wrong with Mrs. Lovett's pie's...

Photographed, co-written & directed by Andy Milligan who is surely one of the worst filmmakers of all time (I still think Jesus Franco is the absolute worst) with the wonderfully sensationalistic titled Bloodthirsty Butchers perhaps his best known film although it's still really hard to sit through as it's an inept mess from start to finish. The film revolves around the legend of Sweeney Todd the killer barber who murdered his clients & then made pie's out of the bodies that Mrs. Lovett sold in her pie shop, at only 77 minutes long Bloodthirsty Butchers still drags & is just too random. The script is terrible, we never learn anything about anyone, people's motivations are slim to say the least & it's just boring. The character's & dialogue are both poor, the little sub-plots about Tobias & that woman with his baby, Todd seeing that woman & getting into arguments with Fisk, the customer who comes into the shop & ask's for a special pie & Mrs. Lovett's crippled husband who actually serves no purpose whatsoever.

It's amazing just how inept Bloodthirsty Butchers is, the editing is maybe the worst I have ever seen & what happens at the end is anyone's guess as it's just a mass of random scenes, people shouting & photography so dark it's impossible to see what's going on. The music is out of place & just randomly plays in the background, the photography is awful & the camera shakes around all over the place while the few gore effects here look pretty bad. Rumour has it Bloodthirsty Butchers was cut by the distributors before it was released, despite having a hand & finger chopped off early on all of the murder scenes look edited & are sometimes impossible to follow & hard to tell what actually happened. Made as a period piece Bloodthirsty Butchers look terrible with costumes & decors seemingly spanning decades & entire continents, it just looks odd & never feels like any one era or time period. Originally shot on 16mm film this was blown up to 35mm & as such it looks awful with dull colours, loads of grain & a soft picture.

The IMDb says Bloodthirsty Butchers had a budget of about $18,000 but Milligan did go on record as saying none of his films cost more than $10,000 even though this looks like it was shot for less than $2,000. The acting is awful, the scene where Tobias is 'secretly' following Jarvis about two feet behind him is embarrassingly bad.

Bloodthirsty Butchers is a terrible film, it's technical incompetence is staggering & it's an eyesore to watch, the ending is just baffling. Very stagy with lots of dull dialogue scenes full of tedious drama. You won't know whether to laugh or cry.
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