Pokémon: The Four Ivui Brothers (1998)
Season 1, Episode 40
"Especially not on our first days as champions!"
18 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Here are the 10 things I loved and you will too.

1. Even if they help you, it's nice to skip those partially annoying flashbacks. (A montage, though, is a different story)

2. A little shout-out to the people in favor of Ash and Misty: Misty says, "Well, if you really want something, you'll have to go for it." (Wait, is that not in favor of it?)

3. The voice of a Ninetales sounds like Princess Peach. (or a female Mario)

4. Who knew the name Sparky would later become the name of Ritchie's Pikachu? (Sparky is the yellow-haired Eevee brother.)

5. Brock won't evolve Vulpix, even though his Lombre evolved with a stone by accident. (Also, Brock says that Vulpix is really special to him, but it isn't his.)

6. Team Rocket eat lobster. (Thank God the good people at Pokemon hadn't created Corphish yet.)

7. One con is that annoying voice of the Poliwrath trainer. It's like SpongeBob's southern lady impression. (RTS - Remember Tracey Sketchit?)

8. Another con is how the Eevee brothers always repeat her evolved Eevees names one by one. (They also make Halle Berry in X-Men look good, no offense)

9. This is probably the funniest episode I've reviewed: When Squirtle is about to battle TR, Psyduck pulls a Wobbuffet by standing in front, spewing some water, dancing like an idiot, and then making a peace sign. When Misty calls Jessie an old hag (Girl Power!), Jessie breathes fire and Meowth says, "Wow! Jessie just evolved into a Flareon!"

10. The above summary is not the funniest line. The funniest line is "Grasshopper have little sense but big mouth."

Okay, it's 8 reasons, but what are you gonna do?

Episode 38: Best watched with chocolate.
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