Stargate SG-1: The Scourge (2006)
Season 9, Episode 17
An alien marabunta. Oh, joy...
12 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I should have paid more attention to the title and NOT watched this before going to bed. Seriously, the bug factor creeps me out. It's absurd that I could stomach worm-like Goa'uld and even spidery Replicators, not to mention viruses and other nice alien beasties -but flesh-eating cockroaches? I'm out of here. (By the by, it's all because of a McGyver episode involving carnivorous ants: see the continuity here?)

Anyway, after about 5mn of light-hearted jokes about the latest diplomatic review of SGC, the scourge definitely goes out of control. It becomes clear rather quickly that nothing can really be done against those bugs, so SG1 spends most of the episode merely running for their lives -or rather, for those of their annoying and completely useless charges. Not to gripe, as Mitchell would say, but this gives the show a looot of opportunities for clichés, and it doesn't pass even one up. Bugs exploding out of a corpse? Check. Crawling under an unsuspecting person's skin? Check. Killing everybody BUT the heroes? Check (I could have told that poor USAF officer that he was cold meat). Oh, and while we're talking clichés: in the name of all French people, I am officially offended by the ambassador character. I wished he would be eaten so I'd spend less time grinding my teeth.

Oddly enough, Woolsey is at the other end of the spectrum. He is annoying, bureaucratic and somewhat stuck up, but he's fundamentally honest and well-meaning (and he runs in a totally undignified way that is absolutely hilarious). There's also some unclarified matter with the Chinese ambassador, but I guess we'll learn more later on (oh, and nice touch to have Mitchell speak Mandarin: you'd never expect that from him, unfairly enough).

Then you have SG1. They'd rather explore worlds than dabble in politics. They'd much rather fight than flee. And in tense situations, Carter and Daniel keep finding reasons to assume the worst, Mitchell insists on talking movies and flats, while Teal'c bears it all stoically. (I really missed O'Neill's quips here). Deathly situations or not, it's all business as usual for them, and after nine years of this, you can understand why they would end the day going to movies while I am still freaked out.
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