The Twilight Zone: The Jeopardy Room (1964)
Season 5, Episode 29
ironic fun
12 August 2010
Yes, as another reviewer said this episode reeks of Cold War stereotypes. But if that bothers you, just mentally replace the Soviet nationalities of the characters with a defecting al Qaeda terrorist or Taliban operative or whatever you like because this episode isn't about communism vs capitalism. It's about the ironic (and highly satisfying) comeuppance of an overconfident sadist with a huge ego at the hands of someone he hugely underestimates.

And in that sense it's a classic Twilight Zone plot. Most episodes are morality tales that depict a fundamentally good but unlucky character getting a second chance or an evil character finally getting his due. The only real differences in this one is that there's one of each type of character and they each earn their rewards by their own acts and wits, not through alien intervention or some inexplicable supernatural occurrence.
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