Secret Love (2010)
Convoluted plot, lots of passion (SPOILERS)
12 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The plot fits the formula for all South Korean movies: love between two people has met the insurmountable obstacles, typical Shakespearean intensity. However, this particular movie adds a new twist to this old dilemma: there are two brothers, who are twins, and one woman that is loved by both.


Are perplexities of the plot that important to this particular movie? Not really, because even I could not figure out between the two twins in the end. I am still puzzled: which one of the brothers survived the fall? Which one did she meet first? Even though one of the twins gives away the answers in the final scene, they both looked so much alike, it was beyond me to figure out who did what to whom and why.

The ending of the movie reminded me the story of "Three Billy Goats Gruff" except there were only two of them and no troll.

I gave this movie a high rating for the passion alone. There are a couple of steamy sex scenes, but there is more to it then just sex: the actors did show a lot of passion towards each other. Enjoy!
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