Unwed Mother (1958)
Like a low-budget version of "Room at the Top".
8 August 2010
The film begins with a nice girl moving to town and getting a job in a department store. Soon she meets a smooth playboy-type (Robert Vaughn) and it's obvious to every viewer that his an insincere jerk. However, the girl (Norma Moore) is not only naive but a bit dumb and she eventually falls for his routine. Over time, he bleeds her of money and pretends to love her while he chases other women at the same time.

Eventually, the lady proves she's actually a lot dumber than we'd first suspected. Not only does she reject her mother's advice to leave the jerk, but gets pulled into a robbery with him! When they are arrested, the real shocker is revealed...she is pregnant. Now the once nice girl is expecting a baby AND on probation! What will she do with no place to go and no way to provide for the little tyke? Will she have an abortion, put it up for adoption or keep it herself? the entire second half of the film has to do with this dilemma--and is the stronger half of the film.

While this is NOT a great film, it is certainly interesting. I think it's biggest shortcoming is that Robert Vaughn's character is so transparent and slimy that you really are forced to see Moore as less a victim and more a complete idiot. Had they made her a tad less dumb, I think the film might have been easier to believe.

By the way, while it's NOT a perfect parallel, the film did remind me a lot of the film "Room at the Top"---which also featured an incredibly amoral man sleeping and scheming his way ahead in life. This is a much better film and well worth seeing. "Unwed Mother", on the other hand, is only okay...and certainly not one to rush out to see.
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