Review of Andre omgang

Andre omgang (2007)
Some great scenes, but slow and without direction
27 July 2010
I found the one review of the film which was here, is all wrong, and not telling anything about the film.

Andre omgang is about a father and his two sons at a stage of their lives where the love of a poor football team is the love left in their lives when love on the home front is no longer there as it should have been. The father has his wife in a home being completely senile, telling the nurses to remove him as a real unpleasant guy. The oldest son is not ready to be a swinger, which his wife is, and starting to enjoy, and the youngest son is having an affair, which leads to him moving away from wife and kids.

This all gives some great scenes between great actors, and the whole concept is something that could have been a great comedy. When it isn't I find that this is because the film lacks direction. Where is it all going? I understand that this is some of the problem the men are all seeing, but still it's the films problem as well. The funny scenes are good, but there are too many boring scenes as well.

This being Hilde Heiers third film directing, it's disappointing that her debut "Suffløsen" was better. Still the actors are doing a good job, so the screenplay is not good enough.

The film loses your interest, and the horrible Tom Waits-alike music is really not helping the film at all. The film is sometimes very slow, and what's making the film worth seeing the too few) the great scenes. I love slow and cunning movies, but this film doesn't do it for me. We're simply not too interested in how is'll go further on. And then the film is over.

The experienced script writer Kim Fupz Aakeson has done another movie in this genre. I find it quite typical of his writing, but I then find a film like "A somewhat gentle man" way better.

The great scenes are the confronting scene when the youngest one meet the man of the wife he is having the affair with, the carpet-scene, and the the two scenes with the nurse and the father.

Baard Owe is great in his role, as well as Hege Schøyen and Anne Marit Jacobsen. Well the others are doing great as well. Such a pity the script isn't living up to the idea or their acting. A pity, because it could have been so much more.
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