Stargate SG-1: Prometheus Unbound (2004)
Season 8, Episode 12
Co(s)mic relief.
26 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've just spent 40mn in stitches, so I really wish I could give this episode a full 10. The only think that stops me is that it really doesn't deserve the title "SG1", as Daniel is the only member of the whole SGC to feature in it (O'Neill only appears in the intro). According to the Trivia section, there is an explanation to this, but I still do not think it's right to split the team.

Apart from this, the episode is great from beginning to end. Daniel has been trying to go to Atlantis for some time, and thanks to Hammond's surprise comeback (cheers!) he now gets the assignment... but trouble is a-brewing in the galaxy, and he will never set foot on Atlantis.

Action-wise, there is everything you might ask for, as usual when spaceships are involved: races, battles, emergency repairs, perilous rescues, last-minute twists, Goau'ld threats and new worlds -with transport rings adding to the overall confusion. Nice. Especially as most of it focuses on Daniel, who tends to be a man of words rather than a fighter, but he gets some very heated (should I say hot?) fighting scenes here. (Oh, and thanks to whomever thought of putting him in a Kull armor. That was niice. Just sayin'.)

There is also a fantastic new character. Even though she is on the "good" side, Vala is ruthless and unscrupulous, and she can kick some butt. Daniel's butt, that is. I really hope she will be back because those two are just fabulous together: you can literally see the sparks flying around, which is a surprise when you consider how tame SG1's love lives usually are. ...Besides, Vala has been a Goa'uld host, which makes her the perfect girlfriend for Daniel(sorry, but it's true)

Mixed in with all the action are some hilarious sequences, worthy of Window of Opportunity. They work because they are not separate from the rest and do not rely on grimaces and silliness, but on adding an unexpected twist to familiar situations: Daniel's lecture gets interrupted by a hiccuping scientist; Reynolds is willing to risk his life to save Hammond, but blanches at the prospect of giving him mouth-to-mouth. Or --my absolute favorite--, Daniel's show of bravery in front of his Kull captor is cut short by the Kull's unexpected response.

So while Prometheus Unbound is not a turning point in the series, it is really entertaining and leaves you wishing for more.
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